Saturday, May 15, 2010

hello elctronosphere! ewwwwww.....s'been a LONG TIME!

WOW! can you breath??? i'm back to blogging again! i haven't really written much since i had my myspace acct. when that went down in flames.

i feel that this blog is titled appropriately, cuz frenzy is somewhat of a constant in my life.

what i plan to focus on here will be: 1) my life 2) music 3) whatever the F i feel like talking about.

what i'm absolutely going to LOVE about this medium is that NO ONE will be able to delete my sh!t, based on what they read. ready, cuz most of you know that i don't hold anything back. if i'm happy, you'll hear about it. if i am pissed, guess what....

i'm not sure how all this works just yet, but if it is possible, i will leave room for comments if you feel so inclined.

OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!! HOW EXCITING! while this may seem trite, passe, or cliched for some of you, WHATEV. sometimes i'm slow to get on the bandwagon, just has to hit me. so there!

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